Let Love Global Investors is a global family of leaders committed to the Great Commission and express that commitment through their calling and anointing to generate and distribute strategic resources to Let Love International for the fulfillment of
Matthew 24:14.

Let Love Global Investors are stewards of the Great Commission on an economic and financial level.

Let Love Global Investors are visionaries motivated by the priorities of Jesus Christ regarding the need for (1) missionaries, (2) means, and (3) open doors on the mission field.

Let Love Global Investors are pioneers interwined with Let Love Missionaries who are laboring across the Mission Field of Central and Latin America.

We are committed to funding strategic ministry with strategic resource. We are committed to discipling and multiplying leaders in Guatemala and Peru, toward engagement in the Great Commission. We are committed to nuturing a global community and family of leaders who are called and anointed to generate and funnel strategic resources in preparation for the days of trouble ahead. We are committed to connecting annually to deepen relationship between Let Love Missionaries and Let Love Global Investors as a unified team.